5 resources for expats to ensure a smooth transition to Amsterdam
1. Legal
To be frank, the Dutch legal system can at times solely be described with one word: “complicated”. From residence permits to municipal registration and from rental agreements to taxation. Relocating to Amsterdam can be a true legal labyrinth. Luckily, there are various (digital) information services available to expats settling in the city.
I amsterdam is the main information provider on living, working and studying within the Amsterdam area. Their website covers topics as moving procedures, taxation, and labour laws. They also operate an information centre in the I-Tower called IN Amsterdam, which you can visit within office hours. For additional legal information you can have a peak on Government.nl or the website of the municipality (Gemeente) Amsterdam.nl.
If you’re struggling with more complex legal challenges, you can always consider hiring an expat agency. They usually have a good understanding of the Dutch legal frameworks and are able to help you with your relocation.
2. Community
Meeting new people can be difficult. Despite The Netherlands being one of the most extensive non-native English speaking countries with over 90% of the population being able to speak it (that rate being even higher in Amsterdam) you might prefer bonding with those who have cultural similarities or shared interests.
Meetup is a platform that announces daily social gatherings and networking events in the area. The Amsterdam International Community (AIC) for examples hosts weekly activities ranging from pub quizzes to language exchanges.
3. Public transport
The Dutch public transport system allows for convenient movement throughout Amsterdam as well as the rest of The Netherlands. With the OV-Chipkaart, a rechargeable electronic card, you can seamlessly use trams, buses, trains, and metros. For the latest travel information and departure times we recommend using 9292.
4. Healthcare
5. Housing
No matter at what stage of your expat journey you currently are, you’re probably already aware of the housing situation in the Netherlands. Limited availability and complex regulations have made it increasingly difficult to find a suitable residence within the city.
Over a period of more than 25 years Inter Immo has distinguished itself as an expert on the area of guiding expats in rental as well as buying a house as an expat. Navigating the housing market in Amsterdam now requires expert guidance more than ever. Our experienced team is ready to help you settle in the city.
We also have a selection of properties available in Amsterdam and surroundings which can be viewed here.
Any questions?
Do not hesitate to contact us on housing-related matters. You can call us at phone number: 020-3317567.